We’re making headlines.
Area of Expertise Introduces Bundled Outsourcing for Chief Marketing Officers and Marketing Teams | Bloomberg
We share our thoughts about our unique new service bundle, bringing together the strength of fractional CMO strategies with expert project teams to implement the plan.
Jim talks shop with commercial film director Jordan Brady, discussing everything from director reels, the magic of naivete, and the changing tides in the freelance marketplace.
Creative Staffing: Tips for Agencies and Freelancers | thinkLA Podcast
Jim sits down with Don Lupo and thinkLA to share his thoughts on curating the right project teams, embracing the changes in our industry, and marketing your skills as a freelancer.
Fractional Ad Executives: Why Agencies and Brands are Hiring Part-Time Workers for Full-Time Roles | AdAge
AOE roster member Eli Pakier shares his experience as a fractional CMO in a market with increasing demand for part-time executive support.
Jim discusses how AOE found an opportunity between freelance marketplaces and traditional agencies to bring together agility and expertise to create value for clients.
“AdTastic” with Jim DiPiazza from Area of Expertise | Daily Ad Brief
Jim has a chat with Tony Stanol about the AOE business model and the impact of the pandemic on the remote freelance landscape.
How to Optimize Change and Grow Your Brand in 2023 | Webinar
AOE roster member Nina Ciminelli Hill shares research-driven insights on the challenges facing small business owners today and helpful tips on how to meet and address those challenges.
Jim and Dena discuss how bundling fractional CMOs with bespoke project teams ensures marketing strategies don’t end up sitting on the shelf.
Excited that Little Black Book gave Area of Expertise a platform to share our unique process for building teams of exceptional talent.
Thank you to Campaign US for touting the explosion of remote work and how Area of Expertise will play a critical role in solving client challenges and enabling talent to live their best life.